Sunday 11 January 2009

This film is a chilling thriller which keeps the audience clinging to the edge of their seats.
The character, Hannibal, seems to have been written with great care. The detail which he picks up on from meeting agent starling in the first minute of their conversation is outstanding. The way in which agent starling gets information from Hannibal is done carefully. Their bond throughout the film becomes closer and closer, however, despite Hannibal being a serial killer, you can see that he develops a soft spot for agent starling. This gives the film a little bit more of an edge compared to the usual blood bath movie. Hannibal does not give agent starling any straightforward information about the killer, buffalo bill, whom the F.B.I is trying to catch. He makes agent starling think hard about where the killer might be. This gives the film the anticipation which the audience crave.
Like any other thriller the story starts unravelling about a quarter of the way through the film, giving more and more clue as to why and how the killer kills his victims. However, unlike other films silence of the lambs does not give out too many clues too early. This creates the cliff hanger effect which makes the audience want to keep watching. Near the end the F.B.I raid a house which they believe belongs to the killer. However there is a twist, in doing her research with great depth, it is agent starling that actually finds the killers house and rescues the victim making her the heroin of the film. This is unusual as the hero is usually male.
The film has another twist to it - Hannibal manages to escape after the capture of buffalo bill. This creates more fear in the audience as agent starling is now in danger. However the surprising thing is Hannibal calls her from a pay phone and makes her aware that he will not be coming after her and he will be finishing some unfinished business of his. Instead of this creating a sequel ending starling leaves the call keeping what she has just been told to herself and carries on her celebrations. This is not a typical ending; however it does make the audience satisfied with what they have seen.

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